The tree

“Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me?”  ~Walt Whitman I’ve been blessed to live with magnificent trees throughout my life. As a child my world was bounded by a great maple for climbing, an ancient...
At a loss for words

At a loss for words

I have been thinking all day about what to write on this last day of the year. In the midst of thought I received a note from my from my very dear friend, (and super-amazing photographer) Honey Lazar. She shared a link for her latest blog on Loving Aunt Ruth. I read,...


I have been too long away from my blog and as the days and weeks passed, returning to it seemed an enormous challenge. But today is the day! I try to be mindful of the spirit of gratitude every day, but in browsing the photos that I wanted to share I was strongly...