Northern Europe
Traveling to Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia….any of the Northern European countries, is a labor of love for me. It’s an heartrending place but I have found solace and friendship there in the midst of unspeakable sorrow and destruction. Each time I think I have ‘finished’ my project (Loss and Beauty), I catch myself looking back to Poland.
While I am working in Northern and Eastern Europe to create images for my project, I don’t photograph elements. I am unable to create composites in that manner. I make the best available photograph, the one that speaks to me. Later, if the images resonate with each other then I will begin the compositing process.
A few of the images in the gallery are from the Commemorative Ceremony of the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. It was an historic moment as it is the last time a large number of Survivors will gather at the camps. Most are in their 90’s. I am humbled by their courage and use the example of their lives as a beacon to illuminate my work.
UPDATE: I’m very pleased to announce that my work for Loss and Beauty, Part 2, began April of 2019. There are still a few opportunities for private travel with me in the coming year. I’ll be working in Poland, western Ukraine, Hungary, Estonia, Romania, Latvia and Lithuania. If you are interested in the history of this area during the Second World War, come with me. I’ll be traveling with guides and world-class historians to deepen my understanding and inform the photography. Finally, I will be present on January 27, 2025, for the 80th commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz. This is an invitation only event. Contact me if you have any interest.
The project has gained a new title; A Song of Death and Dying; creating solace in a land of infinite sorrow. You can see the composited work under Current Projects.