Maine Coast
This collection of images was made very early in my endeavor to become a photographer. I had traveled to Maine to take a workshop with Sam Abell. Miles, years, and countries have streaked by during the last nineteen years. The constant? Seeking the picture with the comfort of wise words that rise up from this workshop. Sam told me after that week that I could not make a career in photography. (I asked.) There’s nothing I love more than a challenge. We laugh about it now.
One last comment about workshops. Take them. I’ve taken only three in my life and each had a profound effect. Dear friends can be made, you might make the decision to move across the country for a job, or you may find the person who will have a deep influence on the way you craft a photograph. When people are gathered to explore the creative act, magic happens. I have the great honor now to teach and mentor and I get to watch the magic unfold.