….be a more interesting person”. This quote is from Jay Maisel’s interview with Chris Orwig. Here’s the link: http://www.chrisorwig.com/flipside/2009/11/08/jay-maisel-interview/
I’ve had the pleasure of assisting Jay on a couple of occasions while he was teaching in Seattle. The conversation that took place during the class was the best part of those weeks because of remarks like the one quoted. It’s a marvelous affirmation of “We photograph as we are”. Though there are few people as interesting as Jay Maisel, we can always try. Here are a few things that have made my life more layered in the last couple of months. Has it made me a more engaging or interesting person? I hope so. What I do know is that I’ve expanded my view of the world and the human condition through my inquiry. It gives me an opportunity to think about what I want to do photographically and how that will impact my world and The World, if at all. It’s just another layer of awareness.
Books: Non fiction
The Long Walk, Slavomir Rawicz…the amazing endurance of the human body and spirit
We Die Alone, David Howarth….endurance of the human spirit and community effort
People of the Book, Geraldine Brooks (one of my favorite authors)…a sacred book travels through history on a circuitous path
Edgar Sawtelle, David Wroblewski….it’s rare to find a book with this depth of emotion and beauty of phrasing.
For the rest of the list, including films, please click on “Favorite Photography Books” in the bar above, then click subpages: books, film.
I’ll add some more in a couple of days. My next post will explore a literary background to photography. Here’s a hint:
This photo was made while driving through the South on the way to the NANPA event in Destin, Florida.
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