by Keron | Oct 29, 2010 | Horse Photography, Travel |
I suppose I couldn’t go too long without posting some equestrian images on the blog. History has long been a passion for me. Seeing the prevalence of the horse in European culture for centuries was a reminder of how dependent we have been on our equine friends...
by Keron | Aug 1, 2010 | personal projects, Travel |
This is a gallery of images from my trip to Germany, England, and Holland. It’s random, but the intent is always the same: to create an image that engages. I had the great pleasure to travel with my Mother for part of the trip (in England). Mom introduced me...
by Keron | Jul 29, 2010 | Fine Art, Horse Photography, inspiration |
“Earth is crammed with heaven, Every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees takes off his shoes.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning After three months of near constant travel and work I am back in Seattle for a week to catch my breath. I have a lot of...
by Keron | Feb 14, 2010 | Fine Art, inspiration |
As I type this I am struck by how awkward the word glow looks. Yet the quality or attribute of glowing in a photograph is anything but awkward. I’m talking about subtlety…not a plug-in or technique. I’m not anti-plug-ins, the truth is I have very...
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