It’s been a very busy time, and one marked by illness as well, so the blog has been neglected. Sorely. Here are images from a working trip to Florida, with a stop at one of my favorite gardens in South Carolina: Middleton Place. Prior to leaving West Virginia (it was a road trip) I checked the weather and the forecast promised fog! Driving in to Walterboro near midnight I encountered HEAVY fog. I was so excited I could barely sleep. But I was up at five the next morning for the drive on in to Middleton Place and a few happy hours of shooting ensued. If you are interested in history, in gardening history, or simply enjoy tranquility and a gentle, restful landscape (though with a hint of Southern moss-draped mystery), I urge you to visit this jewel in the Carolina low country. All but the last of the photographs below made with the kind permission of Middleton Place.
Of course the fog and atmosphere had me thinking about layers and textures. Some of the images I prefer ‘straight’, while others I enjoyed layering with my favorite Fly Paper Textures. What stays with me though is the experience of having been there and walked in the vague, vaporous layers of history, place, and moment.
The last photograph is a challenge. Which of my readers can identify the scene in the last image? Thousands of people have seen it in photographic form, hundreds certainly have studied it. I just happened upon it on a Sunday morning when some strange otherworldly force twisted my head hard to the left and BAM! So here’s the hint: I jumped out of the car to make the image but had no time to wait.
how wonderful to have you back with a post rich in beauty. there isn’t a photo i don’t love, and there remains something breathless about the way you live and photograph. the euphoria is palpable, as i feel you pick up the camera to capture the amazement you are feeling. i go with you into the frame and run and twirl into each scene.
keron, you photograph as you are, and we are better because of it.
thank you, Honey…I feel like I am most strongly at home when engaged with the blog (and my thoughts in the act of gratitude for the experience). I’m very happy to be back! I have a few posts up my sleeve. Stay tuned. much love, K
Such a lovely series of images. Love the light..the moods you’ve captured and created.
Keron, magical… your pictures always take me to magical place. How did you ever capture the picture with the beautiful horse? That is incredible….powerfully beautiful. I can’t wait to see the images that you will include in our book! Feel better. if I could I’d make you some Greek chicken soup, Maria
Keron. I did make a trip to Charleston SC some years ago and visited and spent a good part of the day at Middleton Place. Ate Lunch there also. Ditto to all the previous comments. There was one part of MP that I loved and you don’t show it – the Pond with gardens. It was a wild place indeed. In 1969 I served on board the U.S.S. Yorktown (a famous WWII carrier). It was on display in the harbor of Charleston as a museum. I took a tour of it and it was exactly the same as the time I put it out of commission. It brought back many memories. Anyway I was a historian, restoring an 1840’s Federal home and read about quite a few magical historical homes with gardens. Unfortunately the main home at MP was no longer standing and only the gardens survived. There was even an alligator in the small pond near the building that served lunch. Ah, your challenge – the “last photo.” Too bad you didn’t include more hints. As a fellow photographer who has read and looked at many famous photographs, frankly it leaves me with a great big “zero.” MP is indeed Magical. It was one of the places that I didn’t want to miss. The images are indelibly marked in my brain. Thanks for reminding me of that trip. It took me almost a week to get to Charleston and back to Maryland. Bless you! Peace Out!
Stunning photographs. I can smell the moss on the trees and feel the old wood.
Hey Super Dave. : ) Thank you.
Beautiful Keron. You are the best!
RILEY!!!! How are you? I miss you two! Enjoying the sun? I had my own spell in the warmth a couple of weeks ago ~ and miss it already. Big hug, K
Where are YOU???? I miss you guys. Call me? Love and hugs, K