Cavalo Lusitano
~ The Spirit Within
- A handcrafted limited edition fine press book featuring the noble Lusitano horse
- Artwork by equine photographic artist Keron Psillas Oliveira
- Fifteen original platinum/palladium prints and one photogravure tipped in
- Three original gum over platinum/palladium prints in loose folio
- Texts on the character of the individual horse and breed paired with each print
- Housed in a custom solid walnut drop-spine case
- 100% letterpress printing and custom binding
- Handcrafted by Marquand Editions for Veritas Editions
- Limited to an edition of twenty-five numbered copies and fourteen lettered copies
PHOTOGRAPHER AND AUTHOR Keron Psillas Oliveira has been an equestrian for most of her life. Now living in Portugal, in the heart of the Ribatejo region that is home to the Lusitano horse, Keron is part of the community of breeders, riders, trainers, and lovers of the equestrian art. The partnership that exists between the horse and the rider has informed her work from the beginning. Anticipating movement, seeing the nuances in the personalities of her subjects, understanding how the correct movements allow for the fullest expression of beauty, and seeking the essence of each horse’s spirit, allows her to create photographs that speak to the soul and nobility of the Lusitano.
Keron’s work has been published in magazines worldwide, in online publications, and in a number of editions from Trafalgar Square Horse and Rider Books, including the acclaimed Meditation for Two with classical dressage master Dominique Barbier.
THE BREED SOCIETY for the Lusitano horse states that nobility, courage, functionality, and a willingness to bond with a rider are the hallmarks of a well-bred Lusitano. Those characteristics are integral to a respected and revered bloodline, and will ensure the lineages of the future will retain their most notable qualities.
It takes courage to stare down a 1400-pound toro bravo. A Lusitano horse must function well in order to be the athlete that works on the farm and performs both in the bullring and in the show ring on demand. The Lusitano must be courageous but must also wait for the signals, the communication from his rider when facing a bull. It is a matter of life or death. Thus, a language of trust is created between the horse and the rider. That trusting nature flows through the best Lusitano bloodlines. The horse of kings is proud but gentle, spirited when asked but calm when needed, capable of marvelous displays of athleticism, and able to carry small children safely.
DRAMATIC LIGHT and calm moments, spirited movement and sculptural poses, intimate portraits and exploding energy — Keron’s work in Cavalo Lusitano shows us all sides of this marvelous animal. She has said “I am interested in the full expression of the soul of each of the horses I photograph. For me, a photograph is not successful otherwise.” Patience, a heart-felt connection to the heritage of the Lusitano, and a bit of photographer’s luck with light, have all combined to create a portfolio of work that exudes the passion she has for these horses. Photographing on three continents over a period of eleven years, Keron offers some of her most compelling images to reveal the spirit within the Lusitano.